What happens, and things you might need to think about, after someone dies, the information includes advice on the following:
- Where did the death occur?
- Donation of organs for transplant or the body for medical research
- Registering the death
- Funerals
- Miscarriages, stillbirths, neonatal and perinatal deaths
- Telling government about the death
- Bereavement benefits
- Redirecting post after someone’s death
- Stop receiving unwanted mail
- Dealing with the property of the person who has died
- Money and finances
- Counselling and support
Paying for a funeral is an expensive undertaking. We’ll help you work out who should pay for the funeral, and outline your options for how to pay for a funeral, from where to find financial help to claiming funeral costs from the estate. This information includes advice on the following:
- How much does an average funeral cost?
- Who pays for the funeral?
- What happens if you can’t afford a funeral?
- Applying for Funeral Payment
- Paying with pre-paid funeral plan or insurance
- Paying with the bank account of the person who died
- Paying by instalments
- Claiming funeral costs from the estate
Dealing with the financial affairs of someone who has died
This is a complex area, made more difficult as you are dealing with a bereavement, this information includes advice on the following:
- How to deal with the property of a person who has died
- What does the executor or administrator do
- Tax and benefits
- Debts
- Probate and letters of administration
- Jointly-owned property
- If the amount of money is small
- Do you need a solicitor
- How long does it take to get probate or letters of administration
- How to apply for probate or letters of administration
- Inheritance tax
- After probate or letters of administration has been granted
- If you are an executor and you do not wish to act
- Further help
- In Salford – the council will waive the burial or cremation fees for under 18’s that were resident in the city.
- Funeral directors will often, at their discretion, also waive their basic fees.
This information includes advice on the following:
- Wills
- Why it is important to make a will
- Is it necessary to use a solicitor
- How much does a solicitor cost
- What should be included in a will
- Who are executors
- Requirements for a valid will
- Where to keep a will
- Looking for copies of a will after someone dies
- Getting a copy of the will when probate has been granted
- In England and Wales
- Change of circumstances
- How to change a will
- Destroying a will
- If a person who made a will commits suicide
- Challenging a will
Managing affairs for someone else
This information includes advice on the following:
- Different ways of managing someone’s affairs
- Ordinary power of attorney
- Lasting power of attorney
- Enduring power of attorney
- General rules about power of attorney
- When does someone lack mental capacity?
- Who can make decisions when someone loses mental capacity and there’s no power of attorney?
- What can you do if you think someone isn’t acting in the best interests of someone who has lost mental capacity?
Saving for a death
Many people find it comforting to have saved the money they need to pay for their own funeral. There are a number of ways you might think to do this.
- By buying a funeral plan from a funeral directors in advance
- By buying a funeral plan with a specialist provider.
If you do make arrangement to save for a funeral in advance be sure to make a note of it somewhere safe, mention it in your will, or speak to the people likely to be organising your funeral.
- By saving with Salford Credit Union and using its special funeral savings scheme.
Salford Credit Union Funeral Savings Account
While there are many funeral plans available to purchase many people would rather save or lodge funds into a savings account to cover the cost of their funeral rather than purchase a plan.
Salford Credit Union has an account just for this purpose. What’s more your savings will be fully protected (up to £85,000) under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) so you have peace of mind that your savings are secure.
Saving for your funeral now can save your family worry and expense and help make things easier for your loved ones at a difficult time. When the time comes your nominated next of kin would simply ask us to transfer the funds to your chosen funeral director. Any surplus funds would be paid to your nominated next of kin.
Once you have saved the required amount to cover the costs of your chosen funeral, we can transfer the funds to the funeral director so that you can take advantage of the costs at today’s prices, this avoiding any future price increases. Once the funeral has been paid for you can be certain that everything will then be taken care of, and carried out according to your wishes, relieving your family of the stress and financial worry thy may otherwise have to face.
Why not open an account today and save as little or as much as you can afford as often as you would like. Payments can be made via Standing Order or by Direct Transfer from a Pension or Benefit Payment.